It was recently discovered that the spell checker in all versions of Vista and Server 2008 was “correcting” writers of words which were actually being spelled correctly. On Friday, July 11, 2008, The Register published an article about this important bug. Full details may be found at the Microsoft Help and Support page for the remedy to this urgent problem and a possible workaround. The words?
- Friendster
- Klum
- Nazr
- Obama
- Racicot
That’s it. Five words. They must have given as much concern to these five words as was given to “the seven words you can’t say on TV” a number of years ago. Why do I write of the apparent immediate need to correct these five words? The correction is a 56.4 MB download. Still another reason for sticking with XP Pro.
Peace, Doc
Copyright © 2008, Thomas A. Blood, Ph.D.
“Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window.” - Steve Wozniak
Labels: bloat, computer, cynicism, download, spell checker, Vista, XP